Twin Flame Runner in a Hypnosis Session

This runner came to me because he was ready to stop obsessing over his twin.

Reunion was an option (the chaser made it clear), but they wanted to forget the twin, so they could get back to their “normal” life.

His situation:

Both he and his twin were married to different people. He lived a life of checking boxes and doing the right thing according to society and his family. He didn’t see it coming when his twin flame came into his life. She wasn’t his usual type and did not check any boxes of society. Yet he was in love and obsessed. He felt something he never felt with his current “perfect” partner. She was more than willing to leave her current relationship to be with him. However, they couldn’t seem to connect. Fear, blocking, unblocking, and leaving before the other could leave became their dance. They were never on the same page at the exact same time for years.

The problem:

Any small bump along the way was not talked about or discussed. The runner assumed he knew the motivations and outcome and wasn’t open to going first and having vulnerable conversations. Not replying and blocking were used against each other often. In person they were fine, but the space between was dangerous as no one was communicating thoroughly. No one was brave enough to pick up the phone.

The dominant part of the runner was seeing how it could never work out, so at any crossroad that part would win. However, when times were easy and they were meeting in person, his loving part would win.

The runner wanted the chaser to be even more certain than him that this would work out. Yet as you can imagine the chaser would pull back. It was a terrible cycle. Even if the chaser would have held strong at every bump, the runner was not capable of making the choice to leave their current relationship.

What the runner wanted:

The runner wanted the choice to see the chaser, but wasn’t ready to make the decision. One part was extremely against making a big change. A very, very small part wanted to consider the relationship. The overall want was to forget the twin, so he would be able to go back to life. They had an amazing time but there was too much in the way. The runner would have to change too much about their life.

What the runner felt:

During our sessions, we connected with the parts of him that wanted to be close to the twin. The runner felt love, playful, and connected for the first time in his life, but he realized that was a need of the inner child. After the third session, the runner did not see why they had to consider those needs, as he was an adult now with adult responsibilities.  

What tortures the runner:

However, the inner child would not stop thinking about the twin flame - hyperfocusing on the thoughts of the twin. He was tortured by the thoughts. The inner child was doing this to get him to go all in and reconnect. Logic vs inner child fighting to get his needs met.

The runner’s block:

The runner did not want to make space for the inner child to get the needs (love, playfulness, connection) even attempting to meet these needs on his own didn’t seem worth it to him. He didn’t have time to create those feelings on his own.

Even if their soul is screaming at them that you are the best thing for them, they either won’t hear it or won’t value their soul’s guidance.

The runner can FEEL the incredible connection, but due to their value system, he won’t be able to make space for anything more than occasional meet-ups with their chaser. It’s simply not possible. Runners will forgo deep love, soul connection, and intimacy no matter how amazing their partner is.

  • What kind of life do you think the runner has without making space for these needs?

  • Do you think even if they have someone next to them, they are happy?

  • Does the runner’s value system lead him/her to being a good partner to anyone?

Next week, in part 2 I’ll give you the results from this session series. Can runners change?

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