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There are so many sites out there based heavily in the spiritual airy fairy advice for twin flames, but the reality is many of us are normal people who want to live in the real world. We want families, marriage, and physical earthly relationships. We want to feel good and have partnerships that feel good, not ones only focused on growth and dealing with past life karma.

I don’t believe all twin flame relationships will reunite in this lifetime. There is plenty out there on the internet on how to call in your twin flame or explaining why a runner runs and some vague ideas on how to get them back.

But what if you have had enough of the craziness and are ready to move on with your life.

How do you get over an intense relationship like that?

How will anyone else compare to them?

How can I cut off communication?

How can I ignore the huge loss in my life?

I want to offer you support and healing around this issue. I’ve been there and made it through the other side.


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Twin Flames 101


Have you met someone that you connect with on a different level? Electric chemistry, great sex, feels like coming home? You might have met your twin flame. Here is everything you really need to know. Not much airie fairy stuff here.

Twin flames are notoriously difficult to manage. Don’t go it alone. I’ll weave my twin flame story through out this course. You’ll feel validated, supported, and confident you can handle anything. I want you to do things differently than I did and to have more fun and be able to move on when you want to. I want it to be less painful for you and not like a war between your head and your heart, but a beautiful, moving experience.


  • SECTION 1:

    Twin Flame Basics

    • Welcome

    • What are Twin Flames

    • Soul Families: Twin Flames vs Soul Mates

    • Signs You Met Your Twin Flame

    • SECTION 2:

      Twin Flame Relationships

      • Stages of a Twin Flame Relationship

      • How to Catch a Runner

      • What to Do When You Are Separated?

      • Masculine and Feminine Energy and Twin Flames

      • How to Break Up with a Twin Flame

      • SECTION 3:

        What Can You Learn from Your Twin Flame?

          What You Can Gain From a Twin Flame Relationship
        • Your Twin Flame is Your Greatest Mirror
